3731 West Point Road LaGrange, Georgia 30240 706-882-9263
Please join us as we develop Christian friendships and share God's love with our children.
Sunday Schedule
9:45 am Sunday School
Prek-5th Grade
10:45 am Morning Worship
Children's Church PreK-5th Grade
(must be potty-trained)
Wednesday Schedule
6:45 pm Children & Teens
Meal provided
Proverbs 22:6 says Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Grace Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry is dedicated to the training up of our youngest disciples. Our focus is to lead each child to the Lord by teaching them simple Biblical truths, providing accurate doctrinal curriculum to give the children the knowledge and tools they need to help spread the greatest news in history, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sundays - Children’s Church will be provided on Sunday Mornings for children 4 years old through 3rd grade. Please drop children off at the George Harris Building behind the church.
Wednesdays - Young Disciples Program will be provided for children who are 4 years old through 3rd grade in the George Harris Building. Our classes will begin at 7:00.